This week I first collected 2 extra wikipedia article subjects and created questions for them. I found that finding pre-made questions online on teacher resource cites did not provide enough overlap for subjects that had concise wikipedia article pages, so I made the questions myself again.
Three articles used in trials:
Gravity Well
Tardigrade (Water Bear)
Some articles had certain sections removed to be roughly the same length, about 3-4 small sections.
I conducted 4 trials this week on Amazon's Mechanical Turk with each combination of the 2 variables:
- quizzes within or not within
- random assignment of topic or choice of topic
The results I got actually were the opposite of the pilot experiment, which is discouraging, but I hope there should still be something useful from the data I collected once I analyze it more. The graph below shows the percentage of total correct questions for each of the treatments.
The figure above shows the distribution of the average time spent reading the article (and answering questions within the article for those treatments), and average time spent on the final quiz, and then average total time spent. It is interesting that the within quiz treatments show a higher total time, even though they have worse performance on the final quiz. Also, the quizzes within trials have more of their time spent reading the article then doing the final quiz, which may provide some insight into why they scored worse than trials with no quizzes within.